About company

With us you will always be safe

History of the company

The history of the corporation of commercial security services “VITYAZ” began in 1993 at the moment when the business in the security services market was just emerging.
The corporation owned several dozen security companies. Due to the inflation processes that occured in the country, it was hard for the Corporation, but, despite all the difficulties, we retained our customers.

In 2012, the Corporation was reorganized, and the leading role in installing the monitoring and physical security was given to “VITYAZ“, a subsidiary of the Corporation. Today, the company “VITYAZ” occupies a worthy place in the market of security services.

Our achievements:

  • Own central monitoring place, which includes more than a hundred objects..
  • Cooperation with well-known companies in the security business contributes to the rapid expansion and strengthening of our positions.
  • Fruitful work with the Kyiv City Police Department is a guarantee of our success in meeting customer expectations and security requirements.
  • The company is developing dynamically and attracting new customers to cooperation, both large, small and medium-sized businesses.
  • A wide popularization of the services of our company is carried out by specialists in the field of education. Among their employees, we are recommended in a positive way.
  • Our guards are trained people who have undergone a multilevel selection system and have certified documents testifying to their professional training and psychological balance.

Our clients

We were entrusted with the property safety by well-known Ukrainian companies in various sectors of the economy, including Novy Canal, BenishGPS, Ukrainian Food Alliance, Kumushka chain of stores, Ukrainian Center for Industrial Construction Alliance, Lawyer Association “Protection of Law”, “Sail Intertour”, “Legion LTD Plus”, “International Law Alliance”, “Medical Clinic LOR-Center Healthy Tonsils”, “BILMAX”, “BARRICK”, etc. We guard more than a hundred offices and business centers. We actively cooperate with companies in the retail and restaurant industry.

In 2014, we completed the planned activities of the company rebranding. Changing the logo will bring good luck (in the center of the logo is the star of Rus) and recognition in the security market. Restyling in advertising and printing will give us the opportunity to be ahead of our competitors in attracting customers.

The company has experienced specialists in its assets and uses modern developments of a domestic manufacturer in the field of alarm equipment.

We guarantee high quality of security, alarm installation and quick response to the operation of the complexes. We bear full responsibility for the protection of property. The prices on the security services market are moderate and attract with their availability. We work together.

Your safety – our task!

This motto accompanies VITYAZ in steady advancing, ensuring the safety and stability of our customers.


20 лет

years on the market










Our team


    Kondratenko Alexey



      Gamarnik Ruslan

      Executive Director, Technical Security Organization


        Yasmenko Alexander

        Director for Physical Protection

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