Cargo escort

Cargo escort from 110 uah / hour

Cargo escort from VITYAZ – your cargo will get your destination!

In the security business there is a great demand for the service of reliable cargo escort. When transporting any type of cargo (especially valuable or large) over long distances there are always certain risks, such as damage or theft. To minimize those risks, guards are required to escort it with high professionalism.
We specialize in armed and unarmed protection of cargo during their transportation through the territory of Ukraine. Our employees will ensure the safety of the products being delivered, the employees of a client company, and a vehicle itself.

What is included in the escort service?

  • Transportation route planning
    When choosing the route of the cargo, its weight, dimensions, temperature requirements and other features are taken into account. Also, our specialists take into account the necessary delivery time and financial capabilities of a sender. The prepared route is provided to the customer for approval. The client can make additions and corrections to it.
  • Visual inspection
    Our authorized officer takes the vehicle under protection and puts his signature in the inspection report. This document contains information of a cargo state, the presence of seals, numbers. In addition, information on drivers and employees who carry out the transportation / acceptance are in the inspection report of the cargo.
  • Getting the necessary information
    According to the contract for the provision of cargo escort services, a client undertakes to provide accurate information on the date and time of the property transportation, as well as on the point of its destination, in a timely manner. This information will be needed to ensure that security guards arrive on time at the place of shipment. The customer also provides a full package of permits confirming the legality of the transportation of this cargo.
  • Security guarantees
    Our experts, organizing a cargo escort in Ukraine, are fully liable for the integrity of the cargo.
  • Transportation control
    When transporting cargo with escort, the time, date and duration of stops are recorded. It also indicates the reasons for the stop and the geographical coordinates of the places where they occurred. The on-call specialist will receive information about the passage of key points, for example, large cities or specific localities. If necessary, our company will provide an escort vehicle in which our armed personnel will be present.
  • Reporting
    After arriving at the destination and taking the security out the cargo, we provide full reporting to the customer. In the absence of claims to the quality of transportation and support, the parties sign a document confirming the proper execution of work.

Why you should entrust cargo escort to VITYAZ?

  1. Highly qualified staff performing the transportation and security of cargo.
  2. Modern technical equipment.
  3. Individual approach.
  4. Private security company.

(097) 242-80-81


20 years

on the market











(097) 242-80-81


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